October 30, 2008

Ron and Don at P.F. Changs
Pete wasn't really feeling the camera that night.

We all decided to go out on the last night that Pete and Erin were here. We had to go with old faithful which is P.F. Changs. Ron, Don, Pete, Erin and I all decided since we didnt have the best experiences with the dining out here we would pick something we know would be great.

October 29, 2008

Pete was bit by a rabid fox while we were hiking.

Hiking in Sedona, Arizona

Ron, Pete, Erin and I all went to Sedona when they were out visiting for the week. We had such a great time. It was nice to have family out. We laughed,played games, and laid by the pool a lot. It was really sad to see them go.

Best Buds Ron and Gary
My Beautiful wife !

Gary, Jamie,Lindsay, and Ron got to see Webb win his 20th game.

Not bad seats! Beautiful stadium.
The Diamondbacks Game
Ron, me, Gary, and Jamie at the diamondbacks game. We had a great time with them out here.

Well I thought it was about time we stopped talking about making a blog and just start doing it. Ron and I are absolutely loving the weather right now. It is in the 90's everyday and cool at night. I love being able to have our windows open so we can get a great nights rest.
My job is gooing good. I never ever thougth that teaching would be as hard as it is but I am finding out what everyone already knows that is teachers are not paid for what they are worth.
Ron's job on the other hand is going great. He has been doing so well that his boss has already spoken with him about other opportunities within the company.
Other than that we have been enjoying our weekends with are daily trips to the pool (yes we are still laying out) and just enjoying the fun stuff to do in the area.
Well soon I will be posting pictures as soon as I figure out how to download them onto my blog. I hope everyone is good. Love you all.