December 29, 2008

Our First Christmas Away from Home


The Hayworth's

Uncle Larry, Scott, Sherrie, Nonnie, Lin and Ron(taking the picture)

Nonnie was shy about having her picture taken but her pest of a Grandson-in-law was torturing her that day to get this candid shot.

Ron, me and my cousin Scott

Uncle Larry, Aunt Sherrie, Ron and I getting our first family picture together.

Ron's Christmas Work Party

Ron and I went to his Christmas party that was held at the Hilton Hotel in Scottsdale,AZ. We had a great time at the party. We played games, watched people dance (which was hilarious) and had a raffle drawing. We didn't win anything. We had more pictures but somehow they were erased so I thought I would at least show you that Ron and I can clean up pretty good.

December 6, 2008

Robert's Thanksgiving Vacation

Robert's Thanksgiving Vacation to Arizona
We enjoyed having Robert come out and spend some time with us in Arizona. We couldn't believe that we were at the pool during Thanksgiving break.

Yes that is Robert trying to hold Ron on his shoulders

My hubby cooked our very first turkey and it was as good as it looked. You all know that I married him because he can cook.

I know I know you are all very jealous that we got to enjoy my famous Green Bean Casserole.

YUM! Can't you smell it?

Robert's Senior Picture Pose

Ron and Robert thought it would be fun to recreate the Blair Witch Project while they were hiking in Sedona.

October 30, 2008

Ron and Don at P.F. Changs
Pete wasn't really feeling the camera that night.

We all decided to go out on the last night that Pete and Erin were here. We had to go with old faithful which is P.F. Changs. Ron, Don, Pete, Erin and I all decided since we didnt have the best experiences with the dining out here we would pick something we know would be great.

October 29, 2008

Pete was bit by a rabid fox while we were hiking.

Hiking in Sedona, Arizona

Ron, Pete, Erin and I all went to Sedona when they were out visiting for the week. We had such a great time. It was nice to have family out. We laughed,played games, and laid by the pool a lot. It was really sad to see them go.

Best Buds Ron and Gary
My Beautiful wife !

Gary, Jamie,Lindsay, and Ron got to see Webb win his 20th game.

Not bad seats! Beautiful stadium.
The Diamondbacks Game
Ron, me, Gary, and Jamie at the diamondbacks game. We had a great time with them out here.